Ryan Kinal
100 E. St. Clair St.
Warren, PA 16365

Google ProfileTwitter: @IndigloMouth


I've recently been contracted to improve security on a couple different sites. One of them has been targeted by SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. There was a lot of code to go through,... (more)

Turning it Down

In addition to the last full-time job I applied to, I've sent in a couple other applications. One to a newspaper in Buffalo, NY, and another to... (more)

Skinning jCarousel

jCarousel is a popular jQuery plugin which provides an easy way to implement a user-controlled carousel element - basically a list of... (more)


I've made some small changes to my blogging system here.

  • The comment box no longer kills paragraph spacing
  • Dates are now shown as something that is readable to most humans.
  • Paging... (more)

The Application (Part 1?)

I just sent in an application for a full time, salaried position at a company in Rochester. They were looking for a "Rockstar Front End Developer", and specified several times that it is not... (more)